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System Tray

class SystemTray (icon_size: int = 24, **kwargs)

Bases: Box

Dead simple implementation of a system-tray widget (using the provided service)

  • Parameters: icon_size (int , optional) — size of tray items’ icons (in pixels), defaults to 24

class SystemTrayItem (item: SystemTrayItem, icon_size: int, **kwargs)

Bases: Button

  • Parameters:
    • label (str | None , optional) — the label’s text to use as the child of this button, defaults to None
    • image (Gtk.Image | None , optional) — an image widget to be added inside this button, defaults to None
    • child (Gtk.Widget | None , optional) — a child widget to put inside this button, defaults to None
    • name (str | None , optional) — the name identifer for this widget (useful for styling), defaults to None
    • visible (bool , optional) — whether should this widget be visible or not once initialized, defaults to True
    • all_visible (bool , optional) — whether should this widget and all of its children be visible or not once initialized, defaults to False
    • style (str | None , optional) — inline stylesheet to be applied on this widget, defaults to None
    • style_classes (Iterable *[*str ] | str | None , optional) — a list of style classes to be added into this widget once initialized, defaults to None
    • tooltip_text (str | None , optional) — the text that should be rendered inside the tooltip, defaults to None
    • tooltip_markup (str | None , optional) — same as tooltip_text but it accepts simple markup expressions, defaults to None
    • h_align (Literal [ “fill” , “start” , “end” , “center” , “baseline” ] | Gtk.Align | None , optional) — horizontal alignment of this widget (compared to its parent), defaults to None
    • v_align (Literal [ “fill” , “start” , “end” , “center” , “baseline” ] | Gtk.Align | None , optional) — vertical alignment of this widget (compared to its parent), defaults to None
    • h_expand (bool , optional) — whether should this widget fill in all the available horizontal space or not, defaults to False
    • v_expand (bool , optional) — whether should this widget fill in all the available vertical space or not, defaults to False
    • size (Iterable *[*int ] | int | None , optional) — a fixed size for this widget (not guranteed to get applied), defaults to None