class DateTime
Bases: Button
Dead simple implementation of a date-time widget
The way this widget works is by having a button that listens for click events and upon that it switchs to the next date-time format from the given list of formatters.
For more about formatters visit
- Parameters:
- formatters (str | Iterable *[*str ] , optional) — the date-time formatter (or a list of formatters) for each cycle, defaults to (“%I:%M %p”, “%A”, “%m-%d-%Y”)
- interval (int , optional) — the interval for updating this widget’s content (rerender date-time) in milliseconds, defaults to 1000
- name (str | None , optional) — the name identifer for this widget (useful for styling), defaults to None
- visible (bool , optional) — whether should this widget be visible or not once initialized, defaults to True
- all_visible (bool , optional) — whether should this widget and all of its children be visible or not once initialized, defaults to False
- style (str | None , optional) — inline stylesheet to be applied on this widget, defaults to None
- style_classes (Iterable *[*str ] | str | None , optional) — a list of style classes to be added into this widget once initialized, defaults to None
- tooltip_text (str | None , optional) — the text that should be rendered inside the tooltip, defaults to None
- tooltip_markup (str | None , optional) — same as tooltip_text but it accepts simple markup expressions, defaults to None
- h_align (Literal [ “fill” , “start” , “end” , “center” , “baseline” ] | Gtk.Align | None , optional) — horizontal alignment of this widget (compared to its parent), defaults to None
- v_align (Literal [ “fill” , “start” , “end” , “center” , “baseline” ] | Gtk.Align | None , optional) — vertical alignment of this widget (compared to its parent), defaults to None
- h_expand (bool , optional) — whether should this widget fill in all the available horizontal space or not, defaults to False
- v_expand (bool , optional) — whether should this widget fill in all the available vertical space or not, defaults to False
- size (Iterable *[*int ] | int | None , optional) — a fixed size for this widget (not guranteed to get applied), defaults to None
property formatters tuple[str, ...]
The list of datetime format strings used for each cycle
- Return type: tuple[str, …]
property interval int
Updating interval time in ms
- Return type: int