exception HyprlandError
Bases: Exception
exception HyprlandSocketError
Bases: Exception
exception HyprlandSocketNotFoundError
Bases: Exception
class HyprlandEvent (name: str, data: list[str], raw_data: bytes)
Bases: object
attribute name str
the name of the received event
attribute data list[str]
the data gotten from event’s body
attribute raw_data bytes
the data as it’s from the socket’s event, it may be formatted as following event-name>>event-data1,event-data2
class HyprlandReply (command: str, reply: bytes, is_ok: bool)
Bases: object
attribute command str
the passed in command
attribute reply bytes
the raw reply from Hyprland
attribute is_ok bool
this indicates if the ran command has returned ok or not if set to False this means either the command executation has failed or the command itself doesn’t return a indication on if it failed or not (i.e commands that return data from Hyprland)
class Hyprland (commands_only: bool = False, **kwargs)
Bases: Service
A connection to Hyprland’s socket, can do both sending commands (via a hyprctl-alike interface) and receive events
- Parameters: commands_only (bool , optional) — set to True if you’re going to use this connection for sending commands only, defaults to False
member SOCKET_PATH ''
signal ready (self)
signal event (self, event: object)
static lookup_socket () tuple[UnixSocketAddress, UnixSocketAddress, str]
static send_command (command: str) HyprlandReply
Send hyprctl-like commands over hyprland socket
Example usage:
# next workspace...Hyprland.send_command("/dispatch workspace e+1")
- Parameters: command (str) — the Hyprland command to send, see Hyprland’s wiki for more info
- Returns: a command reply object contains the reply data from hyprland
- Return type: HyprlandReply
static send_command_async (command: str, callback: ~collections.abc.Callable[[~typing.Concatenate[~fabric.hyprland.service.HyprlandReply, ~P]], ~typing.Any] | None = None, *args: ~typing.~P, **kwargs: ~typing.~P) None
Same as send_command but this works in an asynchronous manner
- Parameters:
- command (str) — the Hyprland command to send, see Hyprland’s wiki for more info
- callback (Callable [ *[*HyprlandReply ] , Any ]) — the callback on where would you like to receive the reply of the command