exception CvcImportError (*args)
Bases: ImportError
class AudioStream (stream: MixerStream, control: MixerControl, parent: Audio, **kwargs)
Bases: Service
A class representing a stream of audio (i.e. speakers, microphones, applications and recorders)
This class also enables the control of the contained stream (e.g. volume and mute state)
Default service constructor (base constructor)
Parameters: **kwargs —
mapped to signal connections (e.g. on_clicked=lambda *_: … connects the given function to the signal “clicked”, notify_my_property=my_func connects the given function to the signal “notify::my-property”)
signal changed (self) NoneType
signal closed (self) NoneType
property icon_name str
A suggested icon name for this stream type
- Return type: str
property id int
The identifier of this stream
- Return type: int
property name str
The display name associated with this stream
- Return type: str
property description str
Text descriping this stream’s purpose
- Return type: str
property application_id str
This stream’s application’s identifier (if any)
- Return type: str
property state str
The state this stream is currently in
- Return type: str
property stream MixerStream
The actual stream object this class is holding
- Return type: Cvc.MixerStream
property volume float
The current volume value for this stream (limited to parent’s max_volume)
- Return type: float
property muted bool
Whether this stream is in a mute state currently or not
- Return type: bool
property type str
def notifier (name: str, *args)
def close ()
class Audio (max_volume: int = 100, controller_name: str = 'fabric audio control', **kwargs)
Bases: Service
- Parameters:
- max_volume (int , optional) — default maximum volume for all streams, this limit only works if volume setting is done through this service, defaults to 100
- controller_name (str , optional) — the name of this service’s mixer controll, defaults to “fabric audio control”
signal changed (self) NoneType
signal speaker_changed (self) NoneType
signal microphone_changed (self) NoneType
signal stream_added (self) NoneType
signal stream_removed (self) NoneType
property speaker AudioStream
The default speaker stream begin currently in use (if any)
- Return type: AudioStream
property speakers list[AudioStream]
A list of all speaker streams connected to this device
- Return type: list[AudioStream]
property microphone AudioStream
The default microphone stream (if any)
- Return type: AudioStream
property microphones list[AudioStream]
A list of all microphone streams connected to this device
- Return type: list[AudioStream]
property applications list[AudioStream]
A list of all application streams outputing audio at the moment
- Return type: list[AudioStream]
property recorders list[AudioStream]
A list of application streams recording audio at the moment
- Return type: list[AudioStream]
property max_volume int
The maximum volume value all streams can reach by setting the volume through this service
- Return type: int