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Services (also referred to as Objects) are Python classes designed to perform specific tasks. Each service encapsulates a distinct functionality and can have multiple accessories. These accessories include Properties and Signals, which allow the service to expose its state and notify users about important events. Services are typically subclasses of GObject.Object.

Core Elements of a Service

  1. Service: A service represents the core functionality encapsulated in a class. for example, we have a service called a Fabricator that polls data from a specific source (whether a Python function or a shell script). The service continuously polls these sources at a defined interval and manages the data flow into one of its properties.

  2. Properties: Properties in a service represent the state or data managed by the service. For instance, a Fabricator service contains a property called value which stores the result of the polling process. When this property changes, the service can trigger signals to inform other components of the application.

  3. Signals: Signals allow a service to communicate state changes or events. In the case of Fabricator, when the value property is updated, a signal called changed is emitted. This informs listeners that the Fabricator has new data. Additionally, a more specific signal tied to the property itself, notify::value, is emitted, indicating that the value property has been modified.

How to Define a Service?

it’s really easy to define a Serivce, here’s a snippet that does exactly that…

from fabric.core.service import Service
class MyService(Service):...

but since we didn’t dive into how Signals and Properties work. an empty Service won’t be able do anything except existing.

I will leave this example here to revisit it later when we learn more about Service accessories…

from fabric.core.service import Service, Signal, Property
class NameService(Service):
def name_changed(self, new_name: str) -> None:...
@Property(str, flags="read-write")
def name(self) -> str:
return self._name
def name(self, value: str):
self._name = value
def __init__(self, name: str | None = None):
self._name = name or ""
name_service = NameService()
lambda new_name: print(f"the name has changed, new name is {new_name}")
) = "Homan"


A Service can have various accessories, with Signals being one of them.

Signals provide a simple state-management model, allowing a Service to notify its users when specific changes occur. Additionally, a Signal can pass arguments, enabling the Service to both notify its users of a change and provide relevant details through these arguments.

Defining Signals

To define a signal, first decide on a signal name in kebab-case (e.g., signal-name) to ensure it appropriately represents its purpose. Once the name is chosen, you can define the signal using the Signal decorator within a Service.

A signal’s handler function must be fully typed, meaning all its arguments and return types must be explicitly declared.

To import the Signal decorator:

from fabric.core.service import Service, Signal

Example of using the Signal decorator:

def signal_name(self, arg1: str, arg2: int, arg3: float) -> None: ...

Since Python doesn’t allow function names with hyphens (as in kebab-case), you can define the function using snake_case (signal_name), and Fabric will automatically convert it to the correct kebab-case format when needed.

Let’s walk through an example of how Signals work:

class NameService(Service):
def name_changed(self, new_name: str) -> None: ...
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super().__init__(**kwargs) = ""
def get_name(self) -> str:
def set_name(self, new_name: str) -> None: = new_name
# Emit the "name-changed" signal
# Alternative ways to emit a signal:
# self.name_changed.emit(new_name)
# self.emit("name-changed", new_name)
name_service = NameService()
# Connect a listener to the "name-changed" signal
lambda new_name: print(f"The name has changed, new name is {new_name}")
# Alternative way to connect to the signal
# name_service.name_changed.connect(...)
# Trigger the signal by changing the name


The name has changed, new name is Homan

In this example, the NameService class defines a name_changed signal that is emitted whenever the name is updated. The signal is connected to a listener, which prints the new name when it is changed.

By using Signals, services can easily notify other parts of the application about important state changes.


Services offer a simple way to connect signals to callback functions directly within the constructor (__init__). This allows for easy signal handling right at initialization.

Here’s an example on how to connect signals to a callback in a various ways:

def callback():
print("I've been called")
# using a Fabricator as the service
fabricator = Fabricator(
poll_from=lambda: "hello there!",
# signal connections
on_changed=callback, # Connect the "changed" signal to the callback
notify_value=lambda *_: print("value notified") # Connect to "notify::value" for property changes
# alternative ways to connect signals
fabricator.connect("changed", callback)
fabricator.changed.connect(callback) # works specifically for Fabric services
# fabricator.connect("notify::value", lambda *_: print("value notified"))

This pattern allows you to define signal connections directly in the constructor or through explicit method calls, providing flexibility in how you manage your signals.


In a Service, properties are attributes that represent the state or data managed by the service.

Since Property inherits from GObject.Property, it uses GObject’s properties system, which provides native support for type safety, property change notifications, and binding capabilities with other properties or UI elements.

Defining Properties

To define a property, use the @Property decorator from the fabric.core.service module. it requires a specific data type and optional flags. Here’s an example:

from fabric.core.service import Service, Property
class MyService(Service):
@Property(str, flags="read-write")
def status(self) -> str:
return self._status
def status(self, value: str):
self._status = value
def __init__(self, status="", **kwargs):
self._status = status

In this example, a Property named status is defined with a specific type (str) and flags ("read-write") using the decorator, as well as setter function for it.

Property Notifications

Since GObject.Property automatically emits a notify::property_name signal whenever the property value changes, other components can connect to this signal to track updates.

To connect a callback function that listens to property changes, there are several approaches:

  1. Using connect with notify::property_name
    This is the most explicit way to connect to a property notification signal.

    example_service = MyService("Initializing")
    # Connect to the notify::status signal for the status property
    example_service.connect("notify::status", lambda *_: print("Status has changed"))
    example_service.status = "Running"
  2. Using a Direct Argument in Service Constructor
    Since we pass **kwargs over to the super which’s a Serivce, You can also pass the callback directly as a keyword argument when initializing the Service, using notify_<property_name_in_snake_case> as the argument name.

    # Initialize MyService with a callback for the status property notification
    example_service = MyService(
    notify_status=lambda *_: print("Status has changed")
    example_service.status = "Running"


Status has changed

Each method achieves the same result but offers flexibility in how you structure your code. Using constructor arguments (notify_<property_name_in_snake_case>) can keep your property connections tidy, especially if they are set up at initialization.

Benefits of Using Properties: WIP

Property Bindings: WIP


The builder pattern allows for constructing complex objects step by step. In the context of a Service, you can chain function calls to set properties and connect signals in one line, simplifying the setup process. This approach minimizes boilerplate code and makes the initialization more readable and efficient.

Here’s an example of how to use the builder pattern to initialize a Fabricator object:

fabricator = Fabricator(
poll_from=lambda: "hello there!",
.connect("changed", lambda *_: print("changed"))\
.connect("notify::value", lambda *_: print("value notified"))\
.set_value("initial value")\
.unwrap() # Return the actual Fabricator, not the Builder object


  • build(): Initializes the builder object, which allows chaining subsequent calls.
  • connect(): Connects signals, here linking the “changed” and “notify::value” signals to their respective handlers (which are inline functions created using lambdas).
  • set_value(): Sets the initial value of the service.
  • unwrap(): Returns the actual Fabricator instance instead of the builder object. This step is important because, without it, you’d still be working with the builder object rather than the fully constructed Fabricator.

This chaining method enables you to configure the service in a single expression, making it cleaner and more efficient.

Alternatively, you can configure the Service using a callback that receives two arguments: the Service instance itself (self) and the builder object used for chaining. This approach provides more flexibility if you want to further customize your service during initialization.

Here’s how to use the callback method:

fabricator = Fabricator(
poll_from=lambda: "hello there!",
lambda self, builder: builder\
.connect("changed", lambda *_: print("changed"))\
.connect("notify::value", lambda *_: print("value notified"))\
.set_value("initial value")


  • The callback receives two arguments: the self reference to the Service instance and the builder object. This allows you to use the builder to chain function calls as needed, configuring signals and setting values in a flexible manner.
  • The chaining functions (connect(), set_value(), etc.) work the same way as in the previous example, but this method allows you to encapsulate the configuration logic within a callback.

Why Use the Builder Pattern?

The builder pattern simplifies service initialization, enabling you to configure everything in a single expression or using a callback for more complex setups. It’s especially useful when you want to avoid multiple setup steps spread throughout your code and prefer a more declarative style.

Key Benefits:

  • Readability: Function chaining creates a fluent interface, making code more readable by consolidating setup logic in one place.
  • Flexibility: You can configure services in one line or use callbacks for more advanced initialization.
  • Cleaner Code: Reduces the need for multiple lines of initialization logic, resulting in less boilerplate code.

This pattern is ideal when working with Services that require property setting, signal connections, and other initialization logic in a clear and concise way.