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Writing Your First Widget

Assuming you have Fabric installed, it’s time to write your first widget!

The Basics

Here’s an example of using Fabric to define a simple widget - you don’t have to understand every line yet, since this guide will walk you through it.

import fabric # importing the base package
from fabric import Application
from fabric.widgets.label import Label # gets the Label class
from fabric.widgets.window import Window # grabs the Window class from Fabric
window = Window( # creates a new instance of the Window class and assign it to the `window` variable
child = Label("Hello, World"), # creates a new Label instance with the content being "Hello, World" and assigns it as a child of the window
all_visible=True # to make the window and all of its children appear once the config runs
app = Application("default", window) # define a new config named "defualt" which holds `window` # run the event loop (run the config)

Run the code using python path/to/your/

if everything goes fine, you should see a regular window that looks like this:

This code first imports Fabric and the widgets we need to use — a Window and a Label. It creates a new instance of each widget, with the Label being initialized with the text “Hello, World”. It then adds the label widget to the window, shows the window and all of its children, and starts fabric so the window is rendered.

“Now what?” Now, we do some real stuff!

Level 1: Boxes

Now let’s demonstrate some boxes with some labels.

import fabric # importing the base pacakge
from fabric import Application # prepare the application class which manages multi-config setups
from import Box # gets the Box class
from fabric.widgets.label import Label # gets the Label class
from fabric.widgets.window import Window # grabs the Window class from Fabric
if __name__ == "__main__":
box_1 = Box(
orientation="v", # vertical
children=Label(label="this is the first box")
box_2 = Box(
spacing=28, # adds some spacing between the children
orientation="h", # horizontal
Label(label="this is the first element in the second box"),
Label(label="btw, this box elements will get added horizontally")
box_1.add(box_2) # append box_2 inside box_1 along with the label already in there
window = Window(child=box_1) # there's no need showing this window using `show_all()`; it'll show them itself because the children are already passed
app = Application("default", window) # define a new config named "defualt" which holds `window` # run the event loop (run the config)

Result (notice the alignment of the labels):

Here’s a visual representation for more clarity:

You probably now have an understanding of how box containers can work with different orientations. Let’s keep going.

Level 2: Buttons

First, here’s the code:

import fabric
from fabric import Application
from import Box
from fabric.widgets.label import Label
from fabric.widgets.button import Button
from fabric.widgets.window import Window
def create_button(): # define a "factory function"
return Button(label="Click Me", on_clicked=lambda b, *_: b.set_label("you clicked me"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
box = Box(
Label(label="Fabric Buttons Demo"),
window = Window(child=box)
app = Application("default", window)


This demo creates a window with a box inside of it with the orientation set to vertical (for now, let’s call it the first box). The first child inside that box is a label with the text “fabric buttons demo”, and the second child inside the first box is another box. Let’s call this the second box. This second box has 4 buttons, with each button created by a function that handles creating and connecting them. Since individual instances of widgets can’t be children of other widgets twice, the create_button function creates completely new instances of Fabric buttons. These buttons’ button-press-event signals are then connected to an anonymous function that changes the label to “you clicked me” when they are pressed by the user.

Level 3: Simple Bar

Now that you are familiar with using buttons and boxes, we will apply these concepts to create a basic status bar.

Importing Additional Widgets

Let’s begin by importing some additional widgets:

from fabric.widgets.datetime import DateTime
from fabric.widgets.centerbox import CenterBox
from fabric.widgets.wayland import WaylandWindow as Window # Replace the previous Window import with this

You might be wondering why we specifically use the WaylandWindow or X11Window classes. This distinction becomes clearer when you understand the differences between regular windows and layer windows:

  • Regular Window: This is a typical window that can be moved, closed, minimized, or maximized by your window manager. Regular windows are more suited for desktop applications rather than desktop widgets.

  • Layer Window (WaylandWindow and X11Window): This transforms a standard application window into a desktop widget. Each display protocol has its own specific window type: X11Window for X11/XOrg and WaylandWindow for the Wayland protocol.

Writing the Widget

To organize our code, we will create a StatusBar class that inherits from the appropriate Window class.

class StatusBar(Window):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
layer="top", # Ensure it stays above other apps
anchor="left top right", # Anchors the bar at the top, stretching from left to right
exclusivity="auto", # Reserves space for the bar so it behaves like a normal window

Understanding the Arguments

Let’s take a closer look at the arguments used in the StatusBar class:

  • layer: Ensures that your bar stays visible above any regular applications (except when they are in fullscreen mode. use the overlay layer type place it on top of everything). for Hyprland users, to see a list of open layers, use the hyprctl layers command.
  • anchor (Wayland only): Determines the bar’s position. For this guide, we want our bar to be at the top, extending from left to right, so we use left top right.
  • exclusivity (Wayland only): Ensures that the bar has its own dedicated space and is not overlapped by other windows or widgets.

Running the Bar

Now let’s see our creation in action!

if __name__ == "__main__":
bar = StatusBar()
app = Application("bar", bar)

The bar itself will not be visible yet (since it’s unstyled and empty (it’s height is equal to zero)), but you might notice that it has already reserved some space on your screen.

Adding Widgets to the Bar

Now, let’s add some content to our status bar (a DateTime widget for this example). To make positioning easier, we’ll use a CenterBox to manage the placement of elements within the bar.

class StatusBar(Window):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
anchor="left top right",
self.date_time = DateTime()
self.children = CenterBox(center_children=self.date_time) # Adds the CenterBox with date_time in the center of the bar

With this setup, the date and time widget will be neatly centered within the bar using the CenterBox.

Final Code Example

Here’s the full code to create your simple status bar:

import fabric
from fabric import Application
from fabric.widgets.datetime import DateTime
from fabric.widgets.centerbox import CenterBox
from fabric.widgets.wayland import WaylandWindow as Window
class StatusBar(Window):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
anchor="left top right",
self.date_time = DateTime()
self.children = CenterBox(center_children=self.date_time)
if __name__ == "__main__":
bar = StatusBar()
app = Application("bar-example", bar)


Congratulations! 🎉 You’ve just created your first basic status bar using Fabric. After this tutorial you should end up with something that looks like this. Status Bar Example

For a more advanced bar example, check out this example.